
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
A New Way to Be Human: A New Kind of Person
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Tell Me More- About Which Gospel Jesus Preached
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Alex and Alex talk about the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, and how that's a little different, but deeply connected to the gospel of salvation. Jesus said "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
So much discipleship in following Jesus happens along the way. It's often not any particular sermon, event, conference or study that transforms us, but is the conversations we have surrounding those things along the way. Discipleship happens on the journey, not at any particular destination. This podcast is a place where we can have deeper conversations about scripture, theology, philosophy and be formed along the way. Join us as we dive deeper into the scriptures and topics our church is studying by interviewing teachers, preachers, experts and companions on the journey.
You can give to Life Church Livonia via our website or PayPal: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
A New Way to Be Human: Kingdom Come
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Tell Me More- About How to Be a Blessing
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
This week Kate and Alex talk about the power of being a blessing to the people around us and how we do that here at Life Church Livonia.
So much discipleship in following Jesus happens along the way. It's often not any particular sermon, event, conference or study that transforms us, but is the conversations we have surrounding those things along the way. Discipleship happens on the journey, not at any particular destination. This podcast is a place where we can have deeper conversations about scripture, theology, philosophy and be formed along the way. Join us as we dive deeper into the scriptures and topics our church is studying by interviewing teachers, preachers, experts and companions on the journey.
You can give to Life Church Livonia via our website or PayPal: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Sunday Sep 12, 2021
To Be A Blessing
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Join us Sundays at 10am digitally (on facebook and youtube) and in person as we seek to be REAL People, who follow a REAL God and experience REAL Life. To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, you can click here: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org You can give via PayPal at paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia
See the digital bulletin here: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org/digitalbulletin

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Tell Me More- About the Weird Way Mark Ends
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Kate and Alex II look at Mark Chapter 16 and make some observations and wonders about the strange way it ends, and the characters that we meet in the final chapter of the gospel of Mark.
So much discipleship in following Jesus happens along the way. It's often not any particular sermon, event, conference or study that transforms us, but is the conversations we have surrounding those things along the way. Discipleship happens on the journey, not at any particular destination. This podcast is a place where we can have deeper conversations about scripture, theology, philosophy and be formed along the way. Join us as we dive deeper into the scriptures and topics our church is studying by interviewing teachers, preachers, experts and companions on the journey.
You can give to Life Church Livonia via our website or PayPal: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Mark: An Interesting Ending
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Whether from COVID, poor choices, pain from others or the trials of life, all of us have felt like the world is upside down and we're not sure how to make things right side up again. We believe that Jesus shows us how to live right side up in an upside down world. Many people talk about Jesus, but few people have actually gone to the source material to hear from Jesus' own mouth about who He is, who the Church is, and how to live right side up in this upside down world. Join us as we walk through the book of Mark and find purpose, guidance and life to the full.
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, you can click here: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org
You can give via PayPal at paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Tell Me More- About Jesus Saying God Abandoned Him
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Alex Sr. and Alex II revisit some of the things that we had to skip over in Mark 15 this past weekend. Specifically we look at Jesus' cry "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" as he dies upon the cross. Did Jesus lose his mind? Did God abandon his only son? Or is there something deeper going on here?
So much discipleship in following Jesus happens along the way. It's often not any particular sermon, event, conference or study that transforms us, but is the conversations we have surrounding those things along the way. Discipleship happens on the journey, not at any particular destination. This podcast is a place where we can have deeper conversations about scripture, theology, philosophy and be formed along the way. Join us as we dive deeper into the scriptures and topics our church is studying by interviewing teachers, preachers, experts and companions on the journey.
You can give to Life Church Livonia via our website or PayPal: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Mark: The Why of the Crucifixion
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Whether from COVID, poor choices, pain from others or the trials of life, all of us have felt like the world is upside down and we're not sure how to make things right side up again. We believe that Jesus shows us how to live right side up in an upside down world. Many people talk about Jesus, but few people have actually gone to the source material to hear from Jesus' own mouth about who He is, who the Church is, and how to live right side up in this upside down world. Join us as we walk through the book of Mark and find purpose, guidance and life to the full.
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, you can click here: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org
You can give via PayPal at paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Tell Me More- About Betraying and Losing Jesus
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Kate and Alex go through chapter 14 and talk about the contrast between Mary and Judas, losing Jesus in Gesthemane and that losing and betraying Jesus are normal parts of the Christian journey as we go to the cross ourselves, address issues from our family of origin, and re-examine our own faulty thoughts about ourselves, God and the world. So much discipleship in following Jesus happens along the way. For me, it hasn’t been a list of sermons that changed my life, or a list of places I volunteered, or even a book of the bible, but the way God moved in and through people around those things. The journey has formed me much more than any particular destination. So we are going to try to create that for you via this podcast. Hopefully it’s a place where we get to talk about things like what went into writing the sermon from this Sunday and what got cut that you wish you could have included. We’ll talk about our passions and hearts and why we are doing different things as a church. We’ll have the conversations on here that happen behind the scenes so that you can be a part of them too. You can give to Life Church Livonia via our website or PayPal: https://www.lifechurchlivonia.org paypal.me/lifechurchlivonia