
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Philippians 2
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
The book of Philippians was a letter of encouragement, guidance and love from the
apostle Paul to a church he planted in Philippi. As Brian ends his time here at Life
Church Livonia as our church planter, he leads us through this book, giving us the
same encouragement, guidance and love.
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here and then click "Give Online":
http://lifechurchlivonia.org/ then click “Give Online”.
Pastoral Transition Information:

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Philippians 1
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
The book of Philippians was a letter of encouragement, guidance and love from the apostle Paul to a church he planted in Philippi. As Brian ends his time here at Life Church Livonia as our church planter, he leads us through this book, giving us the same encouragement, guidance and love.
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here and then click "Give Online":
http://lifechurchlivonia.org/ then click “Give Online”.
Pastoral Transition Information:

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
The Heart Behind the Call
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Today Brian gives the background behind his big announcement. He shows us how the Holy Spirit has been speaking to him over the past year as he prepares for a new season. Join us to hear the prayers that were answered, the promptings from the Lord, and Brian’s heart behind his decision to become the new Associate Super Intendant of the state of Alaska for the Evangelical Covenant Church.
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here and then click "Give Online":
http://lifechurchlivonia.org/ then click “Give Online”.
Brian’s Announcement Video:

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Holy Spirit: The Most Excellent Way
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here and then click "Give Online":
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Next Steps:

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Holy Spirit: Fruit of the Spirit
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here:
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Holy Spirit: Listening and Discernment
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here:
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Holy Spirit: Worship as Listening
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here:

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Holy Spirit: What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here:

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Holy Spirit: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here:

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Holy Spirit: The Gift from God
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit? For most believers, the Holy Spirit is a "Forgotten God"; a member of the Christian Trinity that we know nothing about let alone know personally. However, for the Christian, God has given us his Holy Spirit to be the blazing center of all we do. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover, who is this holy spirit, and why do I need this blazing center?
To connect with us more at Life Church Livonia, you can fill out our connection card here:
Parents, here are resources for your kids:
To give online to LifeChurch Livonia, click here: