
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
How to Walk on Water: Barriers of the Heart
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find that you aren’t alone. The Bible is full of people whose faith in God is tested when they face the realities of life. Some of them seem to abandon faith in midst of difficulties while others show a remarkable ability to step out in faith during the hardest of times. What is it that allows some people to walk on water while others sit in the boat? How can we learn to become a people of faith whose confidence in God goes beyond conditional and time limited expressions of faith to an unshakable trust in our amazing God? How do we learn to walk on water?
Preached by Brian Nanninga on 8-12-18.

Sunday Aug 05, 2018
How to Walk on Water: Barriers of the Head
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find that you aren’t alone. The Bible is full of people whose faith in God is tested when they face the realities of life. Some of them seem to abandon faith in midst of difficulties while others show a remarkable ability to step out in faith during the hardest of times. What is it that allows some people to walk on water while others sit in the boat? How can we learn to become a people of faith whose confidence in God goes beyond conditional and time limited expressions of faith to an unshakable trust in our amazing God? How do we learn to walk on water?
Preached by Brian Nanninga on 8-5-18.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
How to Walk on Water: Directing our Faith
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find that you aren’t alone. The Bible is full of people whose faith in God is tested when they face the realities of life. Some of them seem to abandon faith in midst of difficulties while others show a remarkable ability to step out in faith during the hardest of times. What is it that allows some people to walk on water while others sit in the boat? How can we learn to become a people of faith whose confidence in God goes beyond conditional and time limited expressions of faith to an unshakable trust in our amazing God? How do we learn to walk on water?
Preached by Alex Rahill on 7-29-18.

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
How to Walk on Water: Defining our Faith
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find that you aren’t alone. The Bible is full of people whose faith in God is tested when they face the realities of life. Some of them seem to abandon faith in midst of difficulties while others show a remarkable ability to step out in faith during the hardest of times. What is it that allows some people to walk on water while others sit in the boat? How can we learn to become a people of faith whose confidence in God goes beyond conditional and time limited expressions of faith to an unshakable trust in our amazing God? How do we learn to walk on water?
Preached by Brian Nanninga on 7-22-18.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Holy Roar: The Unexpected Roar
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
In many areas of our life, this feels almost effortless. But, what about the hard times? What about the seasons when we feel like God is distant, inconsistent or confusing? The Psalms are full of examples of David worshipping in times just like these. There are seven different words used for worship in the Psalms. Some are for times of doubt. Others for times of joy. Some are for the awkward in between.
Join us at LifeChurch Livonia as we explore the book of Psalms and learn how even in the darkest places, we can turn our small voices into a Holy Roar.
This week's word was Tehillah. Preached by Alex Rahill on 7-15-18.

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Holy Roar: The Roar of Humility
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
In many areas of our life, this feels almost effortless. But, what about the hard times? What about the seasons when we feel like God is distant, inconsistent or confusing? The Psalms are full of examples of David worshipping in times just like these. There are seven different words used for worship in the Psalms. Some are for times of doubt. Others for times of joy. Some are for the awkward in between.
Join us at LifeChurch Livonia as we explore the book of Psalms and learn how even in the darkest places, we can turn our small voices into a Holy Roar.
This week's words were Barak and Shacah. Preached by Brian Nanninga on 7-8-18.

Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Holy Roar: The Roar of Faith and Future
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
In many areas of our life, this feels almost effortless. But, what about the hard times? What about the seasons when we feel like God is distant, inconsistent or confusing? The Psalms are full of examples of David worshipping in times just like these. There are seven different words used for worship in the Psalms. Some are for times of doubt. Others for times of joy. Some are for the awkward in between.
Join us at LifeChurch Livonia as we explore the book of Psalms and learn how even in the darkest places, we can turn our small voices into a Holy Roar.
This week's word was Towdah. Preached by Alex Rahill on 6-24-18.

Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Holy Roar: The Roar of Music
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
In many areas of our life, this feels almost effortless. But, what about the hard times? What about the seasons when we feel like God is distant, inconsistent or confusing? The Psalms are full of examples of David worshipping in times just like these. There are seven different words used for worship in the Psalms. Some are for times of doubt. Others for times of joy. Some are for the awkward in between.
Join us at LifeChurch Livonia as we explore the book of Psalms and learn how even in the darkest places, we can turn our small voices into a Holy Roar.
Preached by Brian Nanninga on 6-10-17.

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Child Dedication Sunday
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Today we took some time to talk about our vision for the children in our church and celebrate with some of our families as they dedicated to raise their children in a way that honors God. It was a beautiful manifesto of who we desire to become as a church as these children grow into the next leaders of the church in Livonia, Michigan, and America.

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Love Your Enemies
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
How do we learn to love the people who hurt us most? Why should we even try? Join us as we explore how to love our enemies.
Preached by Alex Rahill on 5-27-18.